As the world is still grappling with COVID-19, there has been hope with the vaccination and yet, some countries like India have been hit really hard with the second wave. There are heart wrenching tales all around in India and the healthcare resources are overwhelmed and stressed out.
The patients and communities around India are in dire need of help in the form of life-saving resources such as medicines, oxygen, hospital beds, medical relief kits, meals and more.
APREA has partnered with India’s Embassy Group to help India. We call APREA members and other stakeholders, to reunite for raising funds with
“Run and Walk in Unity with India”
Follow the below steps below to contribute:

Activity: Use your device to save a finished 5k walk record and upload the activity screenshot to to raise awareness for the cause.

Donation: You can directly donate through Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if in doubt.

Souvenir: A certificate will be issued by APREA for your run/walk and/or contribution.
APREA will share with all contributors on how the funds were operationalised for communities.
As we all adapt to the circumstances caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, we remain committed to do our part in keeping our communities safe and healthy, as well as extending support to those in need. This is a difficult time across the world, and APREA will continue to work with you and our communities to get through this together.
Our commitment to work together can make a difference. We appreciate your support and generosity.
Supporting Partner: Benefitting Charity Organisation: