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APREA Japan Chapter welcomes a new board member: Akemi Kito of PwC Tax Japan.


Tax Partner, CPA/Certified Public Tax Accountant
PwC Tax Japan
PwC税理士法人 パートナー 

Akemi is a partner in the financial services group of PwC Japan Tax, where she leads Banking Capital Market and Asset Management Sector. She specializes in tax consulting for real estate companies and financial institutions and development of various financial products and investment funds including JREITs.  Akemi acts as PwC Tax Japan Knowledge Center leader (Tax Policy Section) and is responsible for monitoring tax policy developments. Akemi is a member of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA) and Japanese Licensed Tax Accountant Association. She graduated in laws from Kyoto University.

不動産、金融、資産運用に関する税務を専門とし、J-REITを含む不動産投資ファンド、プライベートエクイティファンドやヘッジファンド、流動化スキームをはじめとする金融取引・不動産取引に関する税務コンサルティングに従事。 J-REITやプライベートエクイティ投資の創生期からファンド立上の税務アドバイスを行う。PwC内の税務情報集約部門ナレッジセンターのセンター長を兼務。公認会計士・税理士、京都大学法学部卒。

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