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Sustainability Property Asia - Snapshot 05 April 2013

“The promotion of environmental and social performance in real estate has been the objective of APREA since its inception and supporting GRESB is a very important component of this.”

- Peter Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer, APREA

“The promotion of environmental and social performance in real estate has been the objective of APREA since its inception and supporting GRESB is a very important component of this.”

- Peter Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer, APREA


“We understand that sustainable means respecting limited global resources and human rights of all human beings under the circumstances where global environmental issues have been worsening in an accelerated pace and the gap between developed countries and developing countries has been widening […]. Corporate actions toward sustainable development means to act proactively with respect to the global environment and human rights as a corporate citizen beyond compliance and corporate governance”

- Daiwa Office Investment Corporation

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