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For over two decades, CDL has been managing our business with the triple bottom line in mind – People, Planet and Profits, which are intricately linked for our long-term viability and growth. Besides upholding CDL’s track record in ESG integration, we continually innovate, invest and improve our six capitals to be future-ready. Today, the urgency for ...

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This is CDL’s eleventh Sustainability Report. It replaces the CDL Integrated Sustainability Report 2017 as our latest annual publication dedicated to providing information on financial, governance, social and environmental performance that are material to CDL’s business and stakeholders.

This Report contains a full year’s data from 1 January to 31 December 2017 and focuses ...

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This Report contains a full year’s data from 1 January to 31 December 2016 and focuses primarily on operations owned and managed by CDL’s Singapore headquarters, excluding that of our subsidiaries. The scope covers...

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The CDL Integrated Sustainability Report is CDL’s ninth standalone sustainability report. It is our latest annual publication dedicated to providing information on financial, social, and environmental performance that are material to CDL’s business and key stakeholders. Our last report was published in May 2015.

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Starting from 2015, we are transitioning our sustainability reporting to an integrated approach as outlined in the International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) Integrated Reporting Framework by connecting social and environmental performance with business and financial impact for a more meaningful and all-rounded corporate reporting. We have outlined the Company’s efforts in creating and sustaining value on ...

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