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The MSCI/APREA Pan-Asia Quarterly Property Fund Index tracks the latest quarterly performance of open-ended commingled funds. The index is based on a sample of 4 funds with a total net asset value of USD 7.9 billion as at June 2022.

It is a peer-group index designed to provide a competitive set to better understand and benchmark performance, analyze integrated property and fund-level data, and evaluate intra-year, in-region market indicators.

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The APREA-Preqin Quarterly Monitor uses interactive infographics to showcase the performance of closed-end private real estate funds focused on Asia-Pacific (APAC). Benchmark your APAC- or global-focused funds against those of your peers, see how fund performance has evolved over the past decade and analyze fund returns based on different vintage years and strategies.

Preqin captures performance data from a variety of sources including...

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The APREA-Preqin Quarterly Monitor uses interactive infographics to showcase the performance of closed-end private real estate funds focused on Asia-Pacific (APAC). Benchmark your APAC- or global-focused funds against those of your peers, see how fund performance has evolved over the past decade and analyze fund returns based on different vintage years and strategies...

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