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Indian Logistics and Warehousing, Tracing the Lifecycle 17 July 2019

"As India’s logistics sector evolves, we are likely to experience several changes in planning, construction and operations of warehouses in the coming years. All stakeholders, including developers, occupiers, fund providers, project managers and maintenance operators need to put in a consolidated effort to synchronise their isolated preferences." ~ Ramesh Nair CEO & Country Head India, JLL

In India, Logistic sector is currently passing through a transformation phase. The change is visible in different fronts including development pattern, occupier’s preference, funding structure and technology inclusion in its sub-components. Warehousing rent which accounts for 10 - 15% of total logistic cost is gaining importance as much is optimisation of transportation cost, inventory management, handling, packaging and customer services.

This comprehensive study on the warehousing lifecycle attempts to trace the different elements of warehousing in this changing time. Happy reading! 

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