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Japan Real Estate 2020 Review and 2021 Prospects (Savills) 21 March 2021

Whilst the consumption tax hike enacted in October created some unease during the final months of 2019, there was plenty of encouragement heading into the new decade. Indeed, with the Tokyo Olympics on the horizon, property sectors exposed to inbound tourism were particularly upbeat. All the while, the relative stability of Japan’s political and economic landscape continued to appeal to investors. This optimism quickly faded amid the onset of COVID-19, however, and one of Japan’s longest post-war economic expansions was stopped in its tracks. Whilst the country has managed the virus relatively well, a somewhat long road to recovery is expected given its modest potential GDP growth rate. 

As for sector performance, the suspension of international travel has completely reversed the fortunes of the previously encouraging retail and hospitality sectors. In contrast, the structural changes brought on by the proliferation of e-commerce has thrust the logistics sector into the spotlight. Both the residential and office sectors, meanwhile, are going through some significant changes, and these varying reactions to the pandemic are also echoed in the J-REIT markets. Specifically, a recent correction in logistics-focused J-REITs notwithstanding, likely in response to the sector overheating, premiums remain significantly higher than its peers. Concurrently, the stark contrast between hard assets and listed vehicles, may reflect different views on sector prospects or give arbitrage opportunities to shrewd investors.

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