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PLI (Production Linked Incentive) scheme to power India’s manufacturing ambitions 21 July 2021

With the need for quality and cost-effective manufacturing becoming even more necessary due, to the disruption and economic implications of COVID-19, and global corporations looking to diversify their manufacturing bases and de-risk their supply chain, India has spotted an opportunity to capitalize on this strategic shift.


India has been active on the policy front and is paving the way to become the world’s most preferred manufacturing hub. The Production Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme is the cornerstone of the Indian government’s masterplan to boost domestic manufacturing and make it globally competitive. Introduced in April 2020, the scheme has set in motion aseries of game-changing reforms that will attract global manufacturing majors with a focus on sectors such as mobilephones, electronics, pharmaceuticals, food processing, IT, battery storage, automobile components and specialty steel.The core objective is to signal a turning point for Indian Industry and gain a global presence while boosting economicgrowth through job creation.


A measure of the government’s seriousness and the scale at which it is pushing the scheme is its outlay: Rs 1.97 lakhcrore, or $26 billion, across 13 key sectors. The highlights are:


● Linking incentives to output: Incentives will be based on the overall rate of growth in that industry. Beneficiarieswill have to consider additional investments in greenfield facilities or even to carry out facility expansions toachieve this increment. All of this will reduce imports too


● Results matter: Incentives will be disbursed only after production has taken place in the country. This will boostexisting capacities in domestic manufacturing for sunrise and strategic sectors, and make domestic manufacturing globally competitive


● Creating ‘champions’ to maximize impact: The focus is on size and scale for the selected industry players todeliver volumes. This will make it exceedingly effective and can make the beneficiaries globally competitive

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