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Remuneration in Private Equity portfolio companies 03 September 2018

The private equity (‘PE’) landscape is of significant importance to the UK economy, with PE investment in the UK exceeding €27 billion in 2017, nearly double the figure we saw deployed in 2016.

Consistent feedback from investors, as evidenced by the successes and failures of recent years is that the strength of the management team behind a business is key to what a portfolio company actually achieves.

So how do you attract and motivate a management team in a private equity portfolio company? We regularly see headlines about executive pay in listed companies, and there is readily accessible information in PLC remuneration reports, but less information and less disclosure is available in the context of privately owned and private equity backed businesses.

In response to this, KPMG have...

The private equity (‘PE’) landscape is of significant importance to the UK economy, with PE investment in the UK exceeding €27 billion in 2017, nearly double the figure we saw deployed in 2016.

Consistent feedback from investors, as evidenced by the successes and failures of recent years is that the strength of the management team behind a business is key to what a portfolio company actually achieves.

So how do you attract and motivate a management team in a private equity portfolio company? We regularly see headlines about executive pay in listed companies, and there is readily accessible information in PLC remuneration reports, but less information and less disclosure is available in the context of privately owned and private equity backed businesses.

In response to this, KPMG have undertaken a survey of both PE investors and management teams to ask them some of the questions we thought you would like to know about the role of reward in a PE portfolio company. Our findings and insights coming from them are contained in this report.

Download the Report