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As private equity firms aggressively seek new opportunities to grow their portfolios and their business, they are keenly aware of the pressures expansion and investor requests are placing upon their organizations. Given the significance that financial operations play at private equity firms, chief financial officers (CFOs) often occupy a pivotal role as the ones responsible for making certain that their firms maintain their competitive edge by operating at a high state of operational resilience and efficiency. CFOs have the key responsibility for technology transformation, oversight of talent and pursuing outsourcing arrangements that would allow their organizations to be highly efficient and scalable.

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中国房地产金融已站在发展的交叉路口。经过数十年不断扩张的中国开发商,在资产负债表日渐杠杆化的同 时,也面临各大银行日趋保守的信贷政策。今后,这些开发商除了采用传统的融资手段,还需要着眼于一些 新兴的结构性融资工具。 本报告简要阐述了中国房地产金融的发展现状,并着重探讨了房地产证券化及房地产投资信托基金 (REITs)的未来发展前景。尽管房地产证券化和REITs尚处于起步阶段,但是对于中国房地产投资者和开发 商来说,它们有着巨大的发展潜力。

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Singapore’s office property market stayed on the growth path in 3Q 2014.

Rental growth for Premium Grade office space in the Raffles Place/New Downtown micro-market continued to lead...

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