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  • Hong Kong REITs posted the best performance in February.
  • China is the top source of Hong Kong outbound capital in terms of dollar value with US$6.3 billion.
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  • Asia Pacific REITs are the strongest long-term performers with relatively low volatility vis-à-vis major indices。
  • For Australia REITs, the industrial sector was the strongest performer with a 26% total return over the 12-month period through June 2018. 
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This report tracks capital raisings and debt issuance for AsiaPac REITs. It reveals:

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Infrastructure and real estate are the two most critical sectors in any developing economy.

A well-developed infrastructural set-up propels the overall development of a country. It also facilitates a steady inflow of private and foreign investments, and thereby augments the capital base available for the growth of key sectors in an economy, as well as its own growth, in a sustained manner. A robust real estate sector, comprising sub-segments such as housing, retail, hospitality and commercial projects, is fundamental to the growth of an economy and helps several sectors develop significantly through the multiplier effect.

However, both these sectors need a substantial amount of continuous capital for their development.


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