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In the past decade, the rise and fall of mainland Chinese investment in global real estate markets has created quite a stir amongst the international real estate community. However, in recent years overseas real estate investment activities of this group of investors has shifted from overseas acquisitions to disposals, with 2019’s total overseas investment volume down 79% since the peak in 2017. 

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近十年来,中国内地境外地产投资的起伏,在国际房地产界掀起了不小的波澜。最近两年,境外房地产主流投资活动已 从收购转向处置。2019年,中国内地境外地产总投资额较2017年峰值下降79%。

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Many business owners (private sector, public sector and public listed) have traditionally owned their real estate. These typically include factory operations coupled with offices and warehouses. While, in some cases, the real estate may have become non-core, in other cases such real estate is essential for the business operations. 

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Arising from the need to social distance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the question that arises in the minds of many will be the state of the co-working industry in a possible new epoch. 

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One of the greatest uncertainties we face today surrounds the trade-off between minimizing the human cost from the coronavirus and restarting the economy.  Much of the world economy remains shut down, and consequently, economic distress arising from the coronavirus crisis has been pervasive.  And rightfully, governments around the world have announced an unprecedented program of stimulus, support, rescue and regulatory relief in response to the economic impact of the effort to combat the pandemic.

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