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Despite the slowdown in real estate markets accelerating across most of the world into the second quarter of the year, acquisition trends in two key global cities, both in China, have turned positive. Global volumes started to wane around March this year, but the weakness in Asia Pacific had already been apparent for some time, as all of the region’s top 10 metros suffered double-digit declines in the first quarter. In contrast, more than half of the key metros in Europe and the U.S. recorded an increase in transaction activity, as economic shutdowns and travel restrictions were implemented later in the quarter.

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The year to 31 December 2018 was characterised by a record level of overall activity of NZ$1,698.9m, an increase of $709.3m from 2017 ($989.6m) and significantly above the average of $870.2m since the first survey in 2003.

Mid-market investment activity continued to be strong in 2018 resulting in $245.0m in investments, albeit down from a high of $333.7m recorded in 2017. Divestment activity with disclosed deal values has increased to $100.8m in 2018 from $62.4m recorded in 2017.

Meanwhile, 2018 was a record year for VC activity. Investments have increased to $269.7m, with divestments decreasing in the period. Buy-out activity has continued, but at a lower level than the 2016 peak, with $579.0m of investments and $503.4 divestment activity

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The EY Global Private Equity Divestment Study focuses on how PE should approach their exit strategies in a resilient yet volatile marketplace. The 2019 report is based on 100 interviews with global private equity executives. The survey was conducted between September and November 2018 by Acuris.

In the past 12 months, we have seen...

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This full year edition of the New Zealand Private Equity and Venture Capital Monitor consolidates the findings from previous surveys and provides a more detailed review of 2018 including commentary on the industry from the New Zealand Private Equity & Venture Capital Association’s (NZVCA) Chair.

"Increasing optimism bodes well for 2019 to continue the strong growth." ~ Brad Wheeler Partner, EY

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The appetite for alternative investments among Japan-based institutional investors has become the subject of much conversation. Recent economic developments in Japan have pushed many institutions to expand their horizons in the search for yield, and now two-thirds of the country’s institutional investor base invests in at least one alternative asset class.

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