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This quarter, the Knight Frank Data Centre report focuses on the growth markets of Asia Pacific. Market analysis includes Osaka, Melbourne, Jakarta, Manila, Hanoi, Taipei, and Indian cities Hyderabad, New Delhi and Chennai.

The growth trajectory of data centre supply noted in the principal global data centre markets in previous quarters is now being mirrored in secondary cities across the region. Underpinned by strong demand fundamentals and a trend towards greater localisation of data centre facilities, total supply (live, under construction, and committed capacity) in the reported APAC markets has grown from just under 700MW five years ago to over 3,000MW today. For the first three quarters of 2022 alone, around 600MW of new capacity has been added.

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In this article, we explore an emerging sub-set of infrastructure which is garnering increasing amounts of interest from global private equity and pension funds – Educational Infrastructure or ‘EduInfra’. EduInfra refers to the infrastructure, building and land used to deliver social services like education.

EduInfra is attractive to international annuity investors looking for stabilized yield plays. The sector has an edge over other similar asset classes due to its non-GDP linked and rather recession proof character with significant potential for capital appreciation. It offers a promising 10 – 11% entry cap rate with rental escalations in the region of 3 – 5%. While the market boasts of significant depth, potential has not been unleashed as operators are only slowly moving towards asset light models.  EduInfra’s classification as infrastructure allows for tax optimal exit through InvITs which can also serve as a growth platform attracting institutional investors.

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Office: Macroeconomic headwinds and inflationary pressure weighed on office leasing activity in Q3 2022, pulling down net absorption by 11% q-o-q to 10.1 million sq. ft. NFA. Finance remained the main engine of leasing demand, with activity also seen from tech and co-working platforms. Rents increased by 0.4% q-o-q and 1.1% y-t-d.

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E-commerce has grown rapidly over the past five years, with expansion accelerating since the pandemic. Despite e-commerce penetration moderating from pandemic highs after restrictions were lifted, CBRE expects future growth in Asia Pacific to continue to outpace the rest of the world. Of the six key e-commerce drivers identified by CBRE, Asia Pacific possesses a distinct advantage in three: Urban population growth, adoption of digital wallets and a vibrant e-commerce ecosystem.

As the retail industry continues to evolve toward omnichannel, so too will the role and functions of physical stores. Retailers and landlords need to re-invent themselves to prepare for the evolution of retail and the rise of omnichannel.

The growth of e-commerce is also driving robust industrial & logistics property demand, although the supply pipeline is unlikely to meet future demand. Logistics occupiers are advised to explore build-to-suit developments and invest in the latest warehouse technologies. 

Key highlights from this report include:

  • CBRE forecasts Asia Pacific’s e-commerce penetration rate to grow to 35% by 2026. However, e-commerce penetration will vary across different product categories.
  • Korea, mainland China, Indonesia, Australia and Taiwan are expected to be the five most penetrated e-commerce markets in Asia Pacific by 2026.
  • While physical stores will remain essential, the rise of omnichannel is prompting many traditional brick-and-mortar retailers to consider new formats and locations.
  • Over the next five years, 100 to 130 million sq. m. of additional dedicated
  • e-commerce logistics space will be required to support the growth of online sales in Asia Pacific.

This report was originally published in

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As the global economy continues to chart a path in the post-pandemic world, real estate investment has a new favourite buzzword – new economy assets. While the term arose with the advent of digital and internet technologies, amid surging inflation and rising interest rates, new economy assets have taken on a whole lot of significance.

So, what is so new about the new economy? A key dynamic is the integration of digital technologies that is overhauling old economy services and products, spurred innovative distribution channels and sparked new, high-growth industries that are plugged into the tech and science megatrends. Increasingly, digital transformation is shaping the way we live, work and play and the real estate sectors underpinning this megatrend is set for a multi-year upcycle.

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