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As many economies continue to raise interest rates to tackle inflation, and with growing concerns of a recession in other parts of the world, Asia Pacific investors have become more cautious, with net buying intention softening in 2023. 

CBRE’s 2023 Asia Pacific Investor Intentions Survey, which features insights from more than 500 investors across the region, finds that although fundraising activity remains healthy, most investors intend to adopt a wait-and-see stance in the first half of 2023 in anticipation of slower yield expansion and milder rate hikes.

Other key findings include:

  • Real estate allocations among Asia-based institutional investors are largely below their global peers. These respondents indicate that their allocations to real estate will remain the same or increase over the next 12 months.
  • Opportunistic strategies will gain momentum in 2023 as investors look to capitalise on price dislocation and seek distressed opportunities.
  • Industrial and logistics remains the most preferred asset class, while residential (especially multifamily and built-to-rent) logged the strongest uptick in interest. Offices are still the top property type among core investors.
  • Although healthcare-related properties have overtaken data centres to become the most popular alternative sector, the investible universe for this asset class in Asia Pacific remains limited.
  • Tokyo retained its status as the top city for cross-border investment for a fourth consecutive year, followed by Singapore and Ho Chi Minh City.

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India has long been recognised as a country with immense potential, but it was often hindered by bureaucracy and red tape. In recent years, however, India has made laudable strides, with its economic growth leapfrogging other major countries, in part driven by concerted government-led reforms and sector-focused initiatives that have shaped a more business-friendly climate, particularly for foreign investment.

Today, India has forged ahead into a new era, and the country holds much promise with the largest youth population in the world1 and the second largest labour force2 globally. Investors can look forward to sustained returns from key beneficiaries of these structural advancements, particularly in the Office and Business Park sector.

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CBRE’s 2022-23 Global Fit-Out Cost Guide is the industry’s most comprehensive analysis of fit-out pricing globally. This year’s edition focuses on the global changes in work models and the challenges faced as a result of the pandemic, climate change and heightened economic uncertainty.

The global shift in workplace behaviors has resulted in new ways of thinking about the construction of offices. Companies have adopted hybrid work models, and people need a blend of flexible, team and event spaces. Likewise, many companies have set net-zero carbon targets, expanding real estate sustainability strategy beyond energy savings to include decarbonization and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria.

But with the changes there have been challenges. The lingering effects of COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine have led to economic and supply chain uncertainty, which affects the fit-out market by diminishing budgets amid inflation and causing long lead times in procurement.

CBRE introduced our Fit-Out Cost Guide in 2013 as a benchmarking tool to support planning and investing in capital fit-out projects. This year our cost guide leverages more quality data than ever before, with input from strategic partners.

The 2022-23 guide provides insight into global market trends, with regional data from APAC, EMEA, North America and Latin America.

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Although there were an estimated 150 million people living in rented accommodation in China in 2020, the country’s penetration rate of multifamily rental apartments remained very low, standing at under 2%. However, the evolution of China’s demographic structure; shift in housing consumption demand; and comprehensive government policy support are expected to drive an increase in the number of multifamily rental apartments to more than 12 million units by 2030.

CBRE believes that the sector’s strong leasing fundamentals and potential for asset liquidity and scalability will ensure multifamily emerges as one of the most attractive commercial real estate investment asset classes in China in the next ten years.

With around three-quarters of China’s target multifamily users located in Guangdong, Shanghai, Beijing, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, investors are recommended to target these core markets in the country’s three major coastal city clusters. Site selection should also consider accessibility to public transportation and commute time to workplaces. The main investment approaches to multifamily rental apartments in China include acquisition and renovation of existing assets, greenfield development, and platform collaboration.

Affordable housing possesses both policy and market-oriented characteristics. Exit channels provided by C-REITs; regulatory approval for the conversion of non-residential housing into rental housing; and favourable taxation and credit policies will provide the sector with unique investment advantages.

On the operational side, CBRE recommends investors increase their investment returns through active management measures such as bulk procurement, digitalised leasing and operations systems, floor plan reconfiguration and value-added services.

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