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2019 was a year to remember for the logistics sector. With the sector’s potential upside, investors were competing fi ercely to get some exposure to the asset class. Investment volumes and completions hit record highs, whilst logistics J-REIT unit prices soared. Looking forward, new initiatives by major retailers, such as Aeon and Nike, may have profound implications not only for the logistics sector, but also for retail. 

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尽管目前的新冠肺炎(COVID19)疫情与2002-03年的SARS(SARS-CoV)疫情之 间不可避免地存在相关性,尤其是基线事件在本质上非常相似,因此多见以SARS事 件作为参考来分析此次疫情将会产生的潜在影响。然而,疫情发生的背景完全不同, 2002/03年的世界与今天的世界也截然不同。比如,当时美国及其盟国不久就对伊拉 克发动战争;美国经济更加脆弱;当时中国在世界经济中的影响力比现在要小得多……

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Just as trade-related tensions appeared to be easing between the U.S. and China, the Asia Pacific region found itself at the forefront of the COVID-19 outbreak. The U.S.-China phase one trade deal was signed on Jan. 15, just as the coronavirus was becoming evident in Wuhan, Hubei. Asia Pacific became the first region to experience the real economic repercussions. China’s GDP growth will be dented, which in turn will exert economic stress on the Asia Pacific region and the global economy as a whole.

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This guide gives a brief comparative overview of certain key insights to the real estate industry in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

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