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  • 印度海得拉巴(Hyderabad)在2019年的办公楼吸收面积(占现有存量的比例)最高,同时它也是全球优质办公楼租金增长表现最佳的城市之一。
  • 专注于亚太地区的基金管理人发现他们能从困境投資基金中获得最大的回报率–该策略的风险特征也比机会基金低。同时,债务和组合型基金的资金回报率的变化率最小。
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The year to 31 December 2018 was characterised by a record level of overall activity of NZ$1,698.9m, an increase of $709.3m from 2017 ($989.6m) and significantly above the average of $870.2m since the first survey in 2003.

Mid-market investment activity continued to be strong in 2018 resulting in $245.0m in investments, albeit down from a high of $333.7m recorded in 2017. Divestment activity with disclosed deal values has increased to $100.8m in 2018 from $62.4m recorded in 2017.

Meanwhile, 2018 was a record year for VC activity. Investments have increased to $269.7m, with divestments decreasing in the period. Buy-out activity has continued, but at a lower level than the 2016 peak, with $579.0m of investments and $503.4 divestment activity

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The EY Global Private Equity Divestment Study focuses on how PE should approach their exit strategies in a resilient yet volatile marketplace. The 2019 report is based on 100 interviews with global private equity executives. The survey was conducted between September and November 2018 by Acuris.

In the past 12 months, we have seen...

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  • 中国大陆上市的房地产股在11月份其表现领先于其他较大的房地产市场。2019年至今的前11个月里,中国对房地产的投资增长了10.2%,其中住宅房地产投资每年增长14.4%。 (来源:国家统计局)
  • 马来西亚上市的房地产股票和房地产投资信托基金在中小型市场中表现最佳。马来西亚在2020年国家预算报告中释放了房地产的两个积极信号:降低了2013年之前购置的房地产的房地产收益税(RPGT),以及降低了外国人对商业中心高层住宅物业所有权最低收购的门槛。
  • 澳大利亚的房地产投资信托基金在11月份以及过去一年中都取得了最高的回报率。澳大利亚在十一月份房价上涨了1.7%,获得了2003年以来的最大涨幅。悉尼和墨尔本引领了反弹,房价分别上涨了2.7%和2.2%。


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  • In the third quarter of 2019, almost $8 billion from global investors flowed into the region.  
  • In Q3, the percentage of cross-border capital in Asia Pacific jumped to a decade-high of 36% over a one-year horizon.
  • However, the declines in domestic investment activity have been taking place for the last four quarters.
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