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  • 在日本房地产基本面强劲的背景下,日本房地产股票继续跑赢亚太其他国家。新西兰也继续受到投资者的关注,其房地产市场显示出令人鼓舞的增长迹象。
  • 日本REITs和泰国REITs在9月份及过去的一年中也表现最佳。日本银行将继续购买日本REITs作为其刺激计划的一部分,将继续对日本REIT市场形成良好的支撑。
  • 新加坡REITs也因其离岸扩张而备受关注,今年迄今为止购买了创纪录的27亿美元资产,因此使其成为全球房地产投资信托基金中拥有最大跨境支出的国家。
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  • Japan real estate continued to outperform all countries in Asia Pacific, against a backdrop of strong property fundamentals. New Zealand also remains on the investor radar, with its property markets showing promising signs of growth.
  • J-REITs and Thailand REITs were top performers in September and also on a trailing one-year basis. The J- REIT market will remain well supported, with the Bank of Japan buying J-REIT shares as part of its stimulus plan.
  • Singapore REITs have also been on the spotlight for their offshore expansion, buying a record US$2.7 billion of assets this year to date, thus making "them" the largest cross border spenders among REITs globally.
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The report comprises 4 sections covering

1. Market Conditions and Outlook

2. The Negotiation Process

3. Hot Topics for The Sector

4. Tenant Insights

Respondents spanned both sides of the market...

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  • In Q2, the proportion of cross-border capital in Asia Pacific dropped to 30% from 41% in the first quarter of 2019. The major driver behind this was a slowing from U.S. and European players.
  • Singaporean investors became the largest Asian investor group in the region, followed by China.
  • With improving fundamentals, Thailand’s property market will continue its growth trajectory but accompanied by challenges like new mortgage regulations and slowdown in growth of international arrivals.
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The APREA-Preqin Quarterly Monitor uses interactive infographics to showcase the performance of closed-end private real estate funds focused on Asia-Pacific (APAC). Benchmark your APAC- or global-focused funds against those of your peers, see how fund performance has evolved over the past decade and analyze fund returns based on different vintage years and strategies.

Preqin captures performance data from a variety of sources including...

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