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Asia Pacific REITs were least impacted with relatively lower volatility in July and remain the strongest long-term performer.

Hong Kong stocks declined as fears over protests grow and the social unrest knocks investor confidence. Hong Kong listed real estate market witnessed hardest hit among other rivals. Additionally, lower mainland demand against slowing China economy have hindered commercial rentals in Hong Kong.

Japan REITs recorded the highest total returns 4.4% in July. Institutional investors piled into REIT as they consider yields of government bond continue to decline.

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  • 日本的酒店市场在2019 年的前六个月中实现了亚太地区最大的国内交易量11 亿美元。日本房地产投资信托占总交易量的近50%。
  • 菲律宾领先的房地产开发商Ayala Land Inc. Inc.(ALIALI)计划筹集3 亿美元将成为菲律宾第一家上市的房地产投资信托基金。
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  • 社会动荡的局势加剧了投资者对香港抗议活动的担忧, 导致投资者的信心被削弱,从而引发港股下跌。香港 的上市房地产市场与其他地区相比,收益率下降最多。 与此同时,中国经济的放缓与内地需求的下降是其他 导致市场表现不佳的原因。
  • 日本房地产投资信托基金7月份的总回报率最高,为 4.4%。机构投资者不断地涌入日本房地产投资信托 基金市场,因为他们认为房地产投资信托基金是政 府债券收益率暴跌的最优备选投资资产之一。
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  • 新加坡上市的房地产投资信托基金(REITs)在截至6月份的12个月中表现最优,为投资者带来了25.3%的回报率。新加坡有利的政策环境和积极的投资群体为REITs的蓬勃发展营造了良好的环境。
  • 对不同物业类型来说,多元化物业的房地产投资信托基金表现最佳。在截至6月的12个月中,办公是另一个表现强劲的物业类别。办公仍是热门的物业类型,其需求一直强劲并且大部分主要城市的租金都在上涨。
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The GPR/APREA AsiaPac Performance Snapshot tracks the dynamics of listed real estate securities (including REITs) across 12 AsiaPac countries/regions and eight sectors, over multiple time horizons. 

All data in this Snapshot is calculated on a USD denominated basis. The GPR/APREA series is separately available in a country local currency format.

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