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  • Listed real estate indexed returns in the Asia Pacific crept up in June, as investors bought into a fledgling economic recovery on the back of easing lockdowns across the region. Real estate equities and REITs, with exposure to China, including those listed in Hong Kong and Mainland China are enjoying a resurgence as investor interest increased on bargain opportunities.
  • Hong Kong listed real estate equities and REITs rebounded 12.2% and 7.8%, respectively, in June, despite the start of a newly imposed national security law. Investors are looking past the debated legislation, opting to focus on renewed stability in the economy as social-distancing rules were relaxed.
  • Listed Real Estate/REIT indices continued to underperform the broader markets, and were down 18% and 21%, respectively from their peaks. However, with a majority of lockdowns easing across the economies, returns could once again outperform as businesses resume amid a slew of rate cuts globally.
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  • 在近期疫情数量下降以及各地区经济体分阶段重新开放的背景下,5月的亚太REIT跑赢大盘。整个亚太地区正在采取积极的财政应对措施,包括对受社会疏远 政策和旅行限制影响最大的部门以及对中小企业的进一步补贴。
  • 按部门划分,工业仍然是表现最好的行业,5月份以两位数形式增长。按国家来划分,由于住宅和工业部门产生了可观的回报,澳大利亚的房地产股票表现优于大市。
  • 5月,日本房地产投资信托基金(REITs)在酒店和零售业的推动下领先亚太其他地区。日本国会下议院通过了一项紧急预算,其中包括对中小企业的租金补贴,因此对办公部门而言是个好兆头。在工业和零售房地产投 资信托基金的强劲表现的推动下,新加坡房地产投资信托基金也跑赢大市。
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Please find the constituent changes to the GPR/APREA Indices, which will become effective as of 22 June 2020 (start of trading). 

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  • Asia Pacific REITs outperformed the broader market in May against a backdrop of falling number of new COVID-19 cases and phased re-openings of the region’s economies.  There continues to be a wide array of fiscal policy responses across the region including further subsidies to sectors most strongly impacted by social distancing policies and travel restrictions, as well as to small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs).
  • By sector, industrial remained the top performer, posting double-digit gains in May. By country, Australian real estate equities outperformed on the back of strong returns generated by the residential and industrial sectors. 
  • Japan REITs led the region’s in May, mainly driven by the hotel and retail sectors. Japan's lower house of parliament approved an emergency budget that include rent subsidies for SMEs and thus bode well for the office sector. Singapore REITs were also an outperformer, buoyed by a solid performance of the industrial and retail REITs.
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  •  Australian real estate equities and REITs led the region, as retail rebounded and industrial sector remained strong.  Additionally, investor sentiment has improved with the further easing of COVID-19 restrictions throughout Australia.
  • Singapore REITs also outperformed on the back of a rebound in hotel REITs and continued resilience in the industrial sector.  Furthermore, the rally comes on the heels of the Singapore government’s announcement of a series of new measures to provide S-REITs with greater flexibility to manage their cash flows and raise funds.
  • China offshore REITs also performed well in April as domestic activity continued to gradually pick up.  Notably, China launched a pilot scheme for REITs in the infrastructure sector on April 30, focusing on warehousing and logistics, toll roads and other transportation facilities, etc. as well as new infrastructure, national strategic emerging industrial clusters, high-tech industrial parks, and other thematic industrial parks.
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