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Capital markets in the region experienced another weak month in October, following a lackluster September. Uncertainties from the US presidential election, protracted US fiscal stimulus talks and a resurgence in infection numbers in Europe contributed to the bearish sentiment.

Closer to home, Thailand’s stocks fell on mounting anti-government protests, which, if protracted is likely to derail an economic recovery – its key equities benchmark tumbled to its lowest level in more than six months. The  GPR/APREA total return gauges for both the Kingdom’s listed real estate and REITs contracted by double digits to clock the biggest fall among regional markets.

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  • 美国即将进行总统大选,全球经济复苏仍存在许多不定因素,而投资者多出于风险规避心理,九月地区内地产股票出现下滑。
  • 九月GPR/APREA综合房地产投资信托指数下挫1.4%,终止了自四月以来的涨势,表现逊于大盘,后者下跌1.1%。
  • 在低利率,高负债能力的支持下,地区房产信托雄心勃勃,逐渐恢复停滞的交易。根据房地产资本分析公司Real Capital Analytics数据显示,就收购体量而言,第二季度体量为2010年以来的历史最低值,而第三季度地区房产信托收购总额超41亿美元。
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The region’s property stocks lost ground in September as risk aversion gripped investors. ahead of a US Presidential election and continued concerns that a global economic recovery remains volatile.

The GPR/APREA Composite REIT Index lost 1.4% in September, snapping a string of monthly gains since April, underperforming the wider market which declined by a smaller 1.1%.

Supported by low interest rates and higher debt capacity, the region’s REITs are turning acquisitive and resuming stalled deals. According to Real Capital Analytics, the region’s REITs expended over US$4.1 billion in acquisitions in the third quarter, after posting a record low quarterly volume in the second quarter since 2010.

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Please find the constituents changes for the following GPR/APREA index series, which will become effective as of 21 September 2020 (start of trading):

  • GPR/APREA Investable 100 Index
  • GPR/APREA Investable REIT 100 Index
  • GPR/APREA Composite Index
  • GPR/APREA Composite REIT Index (indicated with an asterisk)

GPR/APREA Investable 100 Index


AUS Waypoint REIT Limited
HKG ESR Cayman Ltd
VNM Yungshin Construction & Development Co



PHL SM Prime Holdings Liquidity too low
THA Amata Corp PCL Liquidity too low


GPR/APREA Investable REIT 100 Index


AUS Centuria Industrial REIT
IND Embassy Office Parks REIT



JAP Healthcare & Medical Investment Corporation Liquidity too low
SGP SPH REIT Liquidity too low


GPR/APREA Composite Index


AUS AVJennings Ltd
SGP United Hampshire US REIT *
TWN ReaLy Development&Construction Corp




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The following preliminary constituent changes to the GPR 250 Index and GPR 250 REIT Index (indicated with an asterisk) will become effective as per 21 September 2020 (start of trading).

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