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  • 中国上市房地产股票在2月份反弹并创下最佳表现。政府为遏 制冠状病毒爆发所做的前所未有的努力从而增强了投资者的信 心。预计中国将采取更多的财政和货币刺激措施,以增强消费 者和企业的信心。
  • 由于动荡继续控制市场,包括REITs在内的日本上市房地产股 受到的冲击最大。国际奥委会宣布,由于新型冠状病毒 COVID-19的影响,东京2020年夏季奥运会将推迟,预计时间 可能会推迟到2021年。
  • 马来西亚上市的房地产股票在中小型市场中表现最佳,其房地 产投资信托基金领先于亚太房地产投资信托基金。在前总理马 哈蒂尔(Mahathir Mohamad)辞职之后, 马来西亚新总理穆 希丁(Muhyiddin Yassin)宣誓就职。
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•   Chinese listed real estate equities rebounded and recorded the best performance in February. The unprecedented effort from the government to contain the coronavirus outbreak has buoyed investor confidence. Additional fiscal and monetary stimulus measures are expected to strengthen consumer and business sentiment.
•   Japan listed real estate stocks including REITs were the hardest hit as volatility continued to grip the markets.  The International Olympic Committee announced that the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympic Games will be postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the games are likely be pushed to 2021.
•   Malaysia listed real estate equities were top performers among mid and smaller markets, with its REITs leading the Asia Pacific REITs. This performance comes on the heels of the recent appointment of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, following the resignation of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad.

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  • 尽管由于COVID-19带来的不确定性导致亚洲股市普遍下跌,但亚太REIT仍保持弹性,在1月获得1.8%的收益回报率。随着业务和供应链中断的影响,亚洲的中央银行正在积极调整战略去应对该病毒所带来的的负面经济效应, 例如泰国银行在2月5日采取降息措施去减少病毒对经济的消极影响。
  • 澳大利亚和日本上市的房地产股票和房地产投资信托基金是该地区大型市场中表现最好的股票,而印度房地产股票在中小型市场中表现最好。
  • 在中国,COVID-19所带来的的经济影响最为明显。部分城市处于封锁状态,消费者被迫留在家中,许多业务链被迫中断。中国人民银行和财政部已经宣布了各种措施打响经济保卫战。在2月12日,上海,无锡,西安和南昌推出了针对开发商的扶持政策,旨在缓解其流动性压力。


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 Asia Pacific REITs remained resilient despite a general downturn in Asia’s equities arising from the uncertainty brought about by COVID-19.  As broader Asia continues to feel the impact on business and supply chain disruptions, Asia's central banks are taking the economic implications of the virus seriously; the Bank of Thailand surprised with a rate cut on February 5th.
Australian and Japanese listed real estate equities and REITs were top performers among large-scale markets in the region, while India real estate equities recorded the best performance among mid and smaller markets. Notably, real estate continues to be a bright spot in many of their major cities.
The economic implications of COVID-19 are most pronounced in China, as major cities are in lockdown, business disruption is unprecedented, and consumers are forced to stay home. The People’s Bank of China along with the Ministry of Finance have announced a variety of measures to soften the impact of the virus. In addition, on February 12th, Shanghai, Zhejiang Wuxi, Xian, and Nanchang rolled out supportive policies for developers, aiming at relieving liquidity pressure.

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