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The effects of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic were of course the main factor impacting the Asia Pacific property market in the first quarter. Signs of the outbreak weighing on sentiment were seen in markets across the region, however robust government stimulus packages and policies are cushioning impacts, and opportunities are emerging across many sectors in the region. In Hong Kong the virus exerted further downward pressure after a prolonged period of political and economic uncertainty, keeping major players on the sidelines. Similarly in Singapore uncertainty has begun to limit activity in both the residential and commercial sectors. Private equity inflows into India’s real estate market have slowed to a trickle and investments in dynamic emerging markets like Myanmar have been put on hold.

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From the fall of 2016, moderate expansion of Japan’s economy has continued. However, in 2018, the economy shifted to a stagnant trend and subsequently to continuous moderate slowdown since 2019 with a recession all but certain by the end of the year. Signs indicating a turnaround in the for-sale/transaction market for real estate in Japan, for example the decline in the contract rate of for-sale real estate and the bottoming out of transaction yields, have become conspicuous. It appears that the market has already peaked. The conditions of Japan’s real estate rental market continue to improve. However, a turnaround has become apparent in terms of hotels and retail facilities, suggesting that the market will turn toward recession with some time lag.

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The region’s key long-term investment attributes remain in-place:

- Economic Growth & Business Expansion

- Infrastructure Investment

- Increasing Connectivity

- Virtuous Cycle Between Income and Consumption

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新型コロナウイルス (COVID-19) が世界中で広がり続けている中、消費者による消費、生産、流通は多大な影響 を受けており、消費財及び小売 (CG&R) 業界で事業を行う企業の課題は増加している。ラグジュアリー及びフ ァッション、食品及び飲料、化粧品、耐久消費財及び電子機器からホテル、リゾート、観光まで、あらゆる業 界のサブセクターに属する企業は、多くの重大な経営上及び法律上の問題に直面している。本チェックリスト は、CG&R企業が急速に変化する状況を切り抜けるための一助となることを目的とした、新興リスクと可能な解 決策のチェックリストである。 

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緊急事態宣言の発令以降、大都市圏の多くの企業が急速なテレワークへの切替えや事業体制の見直しに追われる一方、3 月決算企業では決算・監査対応を中心に多くの課題が生じるなど、事業への影響は日々拡大しています。多くの海外地域においては引き続き厳格な外出制限や営業禁止等のロックダウン措置が継続している一方、一部地域においては行動制限の軽減・解除に向けた議論が始まるなど出口戦略の模索も始まりつつあります。

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