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China’s economy had already been slowing since 2010, with growth reaching 6.1% in 2019. Economic growth rates in China were boosted in 2009, thanks to the RMB4 trillion stimulus package and laxer lending restrictions in response to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). At that time...

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Generally speaking, the first-tier cities and some second-tier cities, especially in the coastal regions, are highly soughtafter locations and have seen prices rise significantly over the last decade. In fact, local governments have introduced a number of restrictions to keep pricing in check and limit speculative behaviours. In addition...

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With the world gripped by the COVID-19 pandemic, governments are scrambling to assess disease prevalence and apply stringent containment measures that limit physical interaction – essential for saving lives, but catastrophic for the economy...

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With the rampant spread of COVID-19 worldwide, business sentiment has been severely affected. The weaker global economy and the across-the-board impact of the virus has made businesses very cautious. Many office tenants, both local and multinational, have tended to delay or put on hold their real estate decisions, resulting in low levels of leasing activity.

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2 月 25 日に「新型コロナウイルス感染症対策の基本方針」が発表され、その後相次いで大型イベントの開催自粛や小中高の閉鎖などの方針が発表される中、海外各国でも同感染症の影響が拡大しています。感染拡大に伴う国内の各種法律問題に加え、海外に子会社・関係会社を抱える企業からの問い合わせも増えているため、当事務所の海外オフィスと連携して速報ベースで各国の方針や影響拡大状況の概要につきお知らせ致します。なお、本ニュースレターは感染拡大が続く間、不定期に配信していきたいと思いますが、同感染症の拡大状況については日々状況が変化している中、本ニュースレターの内容がその後変更・更新されている可能性については十分ご留意の上参照ください。

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