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新型コロナウイルスの感染拡大に伴い,東京都などの自治体と事実上国からなされている,事業者への休業要請が都市部を中心に続いています。この休業要請については,「補償なき休業要請」であると  の声も一部にはなおあるところです。これについては,国のレベルでは,厚生労働省が否定するとともに,事業主が労働者を休業させた場合に支払われる休業手当には「雇用調整助成金」の助成があり,助成率も引き上げられている旨などを公表しており,また,経済産業省は,「持続化給付金」を給付する旨公表しその申請の受付と給付を開始しています 。さらに,自治体のレベルでは,東京都が,休業要請に応じた事業者に,「感染拡大防止協力金」を給付する旨公表しその申請の受付を開始しています 。

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Many business owners (private sector, public sector and public listed) have traditionally owned their real estate. These typically include factory operations coupled with offices and warehouses. While, in some cases, the real estate may have become non-core, in other cases such real estate is essential for the business operations. 

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The Grade A and B office markets both saw impressive rental growth over the year. Nevertheless, a COVID-19-induced market slowdown is likely to materialise during late-2020.

•  Vacancy rates remain extremely low in the central five wards (C5W), and rents have picked up once more. That said, momentum is expected to peter out as the market grapples with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
•  Average rents in the C5W Grade A office market grew 1.0% quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) and 7.1% year-on-year (YoY) to JPY37,759 per tsubo1 per month.
•  The average Grade A office vacancy rate in the C5W was steady over the quarter and year, holding at around 0.3% as of Q1/2020.
•  Average rents for large-scale Grade B office space rose to JPY28,558 per tsubo per month, growing by 1.3% QoQ and 6.5% YoY.
•  Like its Grade A counterpart, the average large-scale Grade B office vacancy rate saw minimal change this period, standing at 0.3%.

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Arising from the need to social distance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the question that arises in the minds of many will be the state of the co-working industry in a possible new epoch. 

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China is the world’s second-largest economy and its second-largest consumer market (13.1% in 2018) having overtaken Japan in 2005, as well as being one of the fastest-growing large markets. International retailers have been placing increased importance on the market with some making China its regional headquarters. Meanwhile...

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