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As the world struggles to contain the COVID-19 outbreak, global travel has practically ground to a halt, impacting retail and travel related industries. Estimates by the United Nations point to the global economy slowing to under 2 per cent in 2020, costing some USD 1 trillion. There has not been any precedent with an equivalent scale of economic disruption in recent times to guide policymakers across the globe. The typical responses to this outbreak across the world thus far involve containment, social distancing, and economic support through fiscal and monetary measures to help cushion the financial fallout. The World Bank, for example, has set aside a USD 14 billion package to help companies and countries in their efforts to fight the spread of COVID-19.

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In the past decade, the rise and fall of mainland Chinese investment in global real estate markets has created quite a stir amongst the international real estate community. However, in recent years overseas real estate investment activities of this group of investors has shifted from overseas acquisitions to disposals, with 2019’s total overseas investment volume down 79% since the peak in 2017. 

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近十年来,中国内地境外地产投资的起伏,在国际房地产界掀起了不小的波澜。最近两年,境外房地产主流投资活动已 从收购转向处置。2019年,中国内地境外地产总投资额较2017年峰值下降79%。

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Commercial property prices pushed higher in the majority of leading global metros in the first quarter of 2020, the latest RCA CPPI Global Cities report shows, with the Covid-19 crisis not yet hitting sale prices. The headline rate of global price growth eased to 2.3% from a year ago and dipped 0.2% from the prior quarter, but most of the weakness came from declines already underway in Asia Pacific.

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The volume of completed commercial real estate transactions shows activity slowing across all regions, the latest Real Capital Analytics data reading indicates. Looking at the count of closed deals the picture is even gloomier, as the Covid-19 crisis takes its toll on commercial property markets worldwide. Based on the dollar volume of transactions, activity in the Americas has dropped 7% in the first 125 days of the year versus the same period in 2019, and in Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA) volume has fallen 14% from a year ago. A string of large M&A-type deals and portfolio transactions in the U.S. and Europe had put a gloss on headline activity figures in those markets in the first quarter.

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