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While real estate value is unsurprisingly concentrated in Tokyo’s central business district, namely the central five wards of Chiyoda, Chuo, Minato, Shinjuku, and Shibuya, Greater Tokyo’s comprehensive rail system grants great accessibility to outlying areas. The key advantage of Tokyo’s rail network is its density and globally-renowned punctuality. Although delays certainly occur and carriages become overcrowded during rush hour, commuters can largely count on trains arriving on time and at a high frequency. Looking at global comparisons, Tokyo is often ranked as having the most efficient and punctual railway system, especially considering its vast transport capacity.

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Yokohama has come a long way since Japan opened to the world in the late 19th century. Initially a small fishing village, it came to serve as the primary port and gateway to the country, eventually becoming the centre of foreign trade. Thanks in part to its proximity to Tokyo, Yokohama prospered over the following decades. Things swiftly changed, however, as a result of the large-scale destruction and confiscation of the downtown area during and after World War II. Without the required redevelopment, many companies consequently relocated to Tokyo, taking with them the economic drive that had been prevalent in the city up until then. Indeed, by the time Japan’s post-war economic boom had arrived, Yokohama had been somewhat left on the side-lines, relegated to a residential hub for Tokyo commuters.


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Although Japan has managed to contain the COVID-19 outbreak relatively well thus far, the impacts of the global pandemic will certainly put a damper on Japan’s economy and by extension the broader real estate market. As of April 2020, the IMF has forecasted that Japan’s economy will contract by 4.8% in 2020. To make matters worse, the Tokyo Olympics – which are now slated for July 2021 – could face an outright cancellation. Notwithstanding the near-term impacts of COVID-19, Tokyo will continue to see significant investment into the early 2020s and beyond. Major development projects are already underway around the C5W in areas such as Toranomon and Shibuya. Along with these developments, Shinagawa Station will undergo massive redevelopment that will prime it, as well as the Shinagawa Ward just to the south, for a boom over the course of the decade.

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The physical impacts of climate change on the built environment are becoming more significant and have the potential to be extremely costly. With their locations fixed, buildings themselves may be at risk of suffering significant damage costs from climate change impacts. More so, buildings are often energy-intensive to build and operate. They are responsible for over a third of global final energy consumption and CO2 emissions, with operational emissions mostly through space heating and cooling, and water heating (IEA, 2019). MSCI’s scenario analysis for commercial and residential real estate enables investors and real estate managers to evaluate both transition and physical climate-related impacts in their portfolios.

Find out more about MSCI Real Estate Climate Value-at-Risk solution here

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  • 在近期疫情数量下降以及各地区经济体分阶段重新开放的背景下,5月的亚太REIT跑赢大盘。整个亚太地区正在采取积极的财政应对措施,包括对受社会疏远 政策和旅行限制影响最大的部门以及对中小企业的进一步补贴。
  • 按部门划分,工业仍然是表现最好的行业,5月份以两位数形式增长。按国家来划分,由于住宅和工业部门产生了可观的回报,澳大利亚的房地产股票表现优于大市。
  • 5月,日本房地产投资信托基金(REITs)在酒店和零售业的推动下领先亚太其他地区。日本国会下议院通过了一项紧急预算,其中包括对中小企业的租金补贴,因此对办公部门而言是个好兆头。在工业和零售房地产投 资信托基金的强劲表现的推动下,新加坡房地产投资信托基金也跑赢大市。
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