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We initiate coverage of the J-REIT sector with a selective investment stance toward large investment entities. New coverage includes Nippon Building Fund, Inc. (8951, NBF, N), Japan Real Estate Investment Corporation (8952, JRE, N), and ORIX JREIT Inc. (8954, OJR, OP).

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This full year edition of the New Zealand Private Equity and Venture Capital Monitor consolidates the findings from previous surveys and provides a more detailed review of 2018 including commentary on the industry from the New Zealand Private Equity & Venture Capital Association’s (NZVCA) Chair.

"Increasing optimism bodes well for 2019 to continue the strong growth." ~ Brad Wheeler Partner, EY

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It has been an eventful year so far with the past government being given a fresh and stronger mandate by the country for another term signalling stability of policy direction. A comprehensive analysis of the residential and office market performance across eight cities in India for the period of January – June 2019.

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